Transparency in Human-Robot-Interaction
25/04/24 10:48
Effects of Transparency in Humanoid Robots - A Pilot Study
We published a paper and short video at HRI '24: Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction:
Heinrich Mellmann, Polina Arbuzova, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Magdalena Yordanova, Jennifer X. Haensel, Verena V. Hafner, and Joanna J. Bryson. 2024. Effects of Transparency in Humanoid Robots - A Pilot Study. In Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 750–754.

We published a paper and short video at HRI '24: Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction:
Heinrich Mellmann, Polina Arbuzova, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Magdalena Yordanova, Jennifer X. Haensel, Verena V. Hafner, and Joanna J. Bryson. 2024. Effects of Transparency in Humanoid Robots - A Pilot Study. In Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 750–754.
Offene SHK-Stellen 09/2023
04/09/23 18:37
Offene SHK-Stellen / Open positions for student assistants
Wir haben derzeit am Lehrstuhl Adaptive Systeme mehrere offene Stellen für studentische Hilfskräfte zu vergeben.
Es geht dabei um Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Adaptive Systeme und in jeweils einem der folgenden Projekte:
Anforderungen: Programmierkenntnisse, gute Englischkenntnisse
Erwünscht: Erfahrung mit Themen der Robotik und KI
Bewerbungen sind möglich bis zum jeweiligen Bewerbungsschluss, bzw. bis die Stellen besetzt sind.
Wir haben derzeit am Lehrstuhl Adaptive Systeme mehrere offene Stellen für studentische Hilfskräfte zu vergeben.
Es geht dabei um Mitarbeit im Fachgebiet Adaptive Systeme und in jeweils einem der folgenden Projekte:
- SCIoI-Projekt Neurogenesis
- SCIoI-Projekt Adaptivity in Learning and Teaching
- SCIoI-Projekt Integration Behaviour Social Intelligence
Anforderungen: Programmierkenntnisse, gute Englischkenntnisse
Erwünscht: Erfahrung mit Themen der Robotik und KI
Bewerbungen sind möglich bis zum jeweiligen Bewerbungsschluss, bzw. bis die Stellen besetzt sind.
Open PostDoc and PhD positions
05/11/22 16:55
We have several new open positions: UPDATE: all positions are now filled
Open PostDoc position within the EU project METATOOL:
Participation in the EU project METATOOL (A metapredictive model of synthetic awareness for enabling tool invention)
application deadline 24.11.2022
Open PostDoc position within the Cluster of Excellence "Science of Intelligence":
Project "Integration of Social Intelligence"
application deadline 24.11.2022
Open PhD position within the Cluster of Excellence "Science of Intelligence":
Project "Adaptivity in learner - teacher interaction" (PIs: Prof. Verena Hafner, Prof. Rebecca Lazarides (Uni Potsdam))
application deadline 24.11.2022
Open PostDoc position within the EU project METATOOL:
Participation in the EU project METATOOL (A metapredictive model of synthetic awareness for enabling tool invention)
application deadline 24.11.2022
Open PostDoc position within the Cluster of Excellence "Science of Intelligence":
Project "Integration of Social Intelligence"
application deadline 24.11.2022
Open PhD position within the Cluster of Excellence "Science of Intelligence":
Project "Adaptivity in learner - teacher interaction" (PIs: Prof. Verena Hafner, Prof. Rebecca Lazarides (Uni Potsdam))
application deadline 24.11.2022
Forum Junge Spitzenforscher
16/12/20 21:06

On 18 November 2020, the closing event and award ceremony for the winners of the sixth ideas competition “Forum Junge Spitzenforscher” of the Stiftung Industrieforschung in cooperation with Humboldt-Innovation took place as virtual event.
Heinrich Mellmann and Matthias Kubisch were among the 6 finalists and have been awarded a 4th place for their proposal "Volksbot: Gretchen". Congratulations!

BUA Social Cohesion
16/12/20 20:52

New research project: Social Cohesion and Civil Society: Interaction Dynamics in Times of Disruption
We're part of a new interdisciplinary research project from the Call on Social Cohesion funded by the Grand Challenge Initiative of the Berlin University Alliance.
The aim of the initiative is to examine social cohesion as it is driven and constantly developed through social interactions. We will look into interaction dynamics across scales and modalities that unfold in face-to-face encounters, groups and society as a whole.