METATOOL - A metapredictive model of synthetic awareness for enabling tool invention
funded by the European Union under the Horizon EIC Pathfinder Challenges (2022-2026)

people involved: Dr. Polina Arbuzova, Antonio Pico, Carolina Gonzales

The Active Self
(SPP 2134)
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm / Priority Programme
Active Self Vector Logo RGB Screen
Prerequisites for an Artificial Self
DFG project within the SPP The Active Self (2019-2022)
people involved: Yasmin Kim Georgie, Yuuma Odaka-Falush, Ilja Porohovoj

An Embodied AI Approach to Measures of the Self
DFG project within the SPP The Active Self (2022-2025)
people involved: Yasmin Kim Georgie, Yuuma Odaka-Falush, Ilja Porohovoj

Science of Intelligence
DFG Cluster of Excellence
SCIoI projects (2019-2022):
- Multimodal Interaction and Communication
- Anticipation, Prediction and Behavioral Reliability in Social Interactions
- From understanding learners’ adaptive motivation and emotion to designing social learning companions
SCIoI projects (2022-2025):
- Modeling Neurogenesis for Continuous Learning
- Adaptivity in Learner-Teacher Interaction
- Integration of Social Intelligence
- Observational Learning in Children and Robots
people involved: Anna Lange, Magdalena Yordanova, Dr. Murat Kirtay, Lea Musiolek, Haeseon Yun, Rahel Engel, Volha Taliaronak, Ralf Mayet, Dr. Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Oleksandr Kostin, Heinrich Mellmann, Doruk Isik, Ashwin James, Firuza Rahimova

BUA Social Cohesion
Social Cohesion and Civil Society: Interaction Dynamics in Times of Disruption
Funded by the Grand Challenge Initiative of the Berlin University Alliance (2020-2023)

HIVEOPOLIS - Futuristic Beehives for a smart Metropolis
funded by the European Union under H2020 (2019-2024)
people involved: Heinrich Mellmann, Volha Taliaronak, Eugen Puzynin, Max Patzelt, Lea Musiolek, Antonio Pico

Berlin United - NaoTH RoboCup Team
People involved: Heinrich Mellmann, Stella Schlotter, Anastasia Prisacaru, …

past projects:

Robotics for Microfarms (ROMI)
funded by the European Union under H2020 (2017-2021)
people involved: Dr. Guido Schillaci, Antonio Pico, Heinrich Mellmann, Matthias Kubisch

Learning Sensorimotor Affordances
funded by GRK Sensory Computation in Neural Systems (2010-2015-2019)
people involved: Damien Drix, Kirill Shchegelskiy

Associate Partner in APRIL (Applications of Personal Robotics for Interaction and Learning) EU ITN-EID
funded by the European Union (2016-2019)

Human-Robot Interaction using Sign-Language
funded by DAAD
people involved: Siham Al-Rikabi

Embodied Audition for RobotS (EARS)
funded by the European Union under FP7 (2014-2017)
people involved: Dr. Guido Schillaci, Dr. Sasa Bodiroza, Claas Ritter, Damien Drix, Oswald Berthold

Internal model-based decision making in robots
funded by DFG Initiation of International Collaboration (2015-2016)
partner: Prof. Alan Winfield, UWE, Bristol, UK
people involved: Dr. Guido Schillaci, Dr. Christian Blum, Dr. Dieter Vanderelst (UK), Mathias Schmerling

Self-organising Mobile Nodes in a Sensor Network
funded by GRK METRIK (2010-2015)
people involved: Dr. Christian Blum, Oswald Berthold, Heinrich Mellmann

Interactive Robotics Research Network (INTRO)
Dynamic Gesture Analysis, Behaviour and Intention Recognition
funded by the European Union under FP7 (2010-2014)
people involved: Dr. Guido Schillaci, Dr. Sasa Bodiroza, Annika Dix

Bio-inspired Navigation Strategies applied to Precision Farming (agricopter)
funded by Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU 2009-2013)
people involved: Ferry Bachmann, Carsten Huhn

EXIST Programm Mentoring (2010-2011)

Investigating Throwing
sensorimotor interaction, prediction and expectation
funded by MatNat II, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
partners: Prof. W. Sommer, Dept. of Psychology, HU Berlin
people involved: Damien Drix, Romy Frömer, Annika Dix

Exploration Behaviour in Humans and Robots
funded by MatNat II, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
partners: Dr. Dorit Wenke, Dept. of Psychology, HU Berlin
people involved: Dr. Guido Schillaci, Sarah Bechtle

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